Saturday, 16 November 2013

Travels | Sight Seeing & Eating Taiwan and Hong Kong


Blonde Hair | Dry Hair | Forever Long Hair

I've got that awkward 'dirty blonde' hair, which in winter just looks mousey as it isn't lightening in the sun.

I used to dye my hair dark brown (very dark!), and about 18months ago I decided to go blonde again. A little worried my hair would entirely fall out, but desperately wanting to be blonde, I bought loads of packs of B4 hair stripper, and did a few treatments over the course of a week - then went straight in with the bleach.

Thankfully, my hair is in tact - but I definitely notice it looks a lot drier now that it is blonde and doesn't reflect the light in the same glossy way as when I was a brunette. So I need to start taking care of it a bit better.

I bought this BB quenching shampoo and conditioner for terribly thirsty hair, than when combined with a good blowdry seems to do the trick! (If only I had the time/patience to blowdry my hair everytime I wash it).

Available to purchase from - pretty awesome site as its always free delivery!

BB Quenching Shampoo

Forever Long Hair


Sunday, 3 November 2013

Roy Lichtenstein Face Paint | Pop Art Fancy Dress

I wasn't sure what to go as for Halloween this year, we were having more of an American Halloween so it didn't have to be scary! I decided to go as a Roy Lichtenstein painting - although on the morning I realised the facepaint kit I bought didn't contain red, so unfortunately I had orange spots...

I used a kids facepainting kit, cotton buds, an old eyeshadow brush, and hair straightners to add a bit of curl to my hair. Was quite pleased with the outcome, even if nobody knew what i was...

Roy Lichtenstein Pop Art Face Paint

Roy Lichtenstein Pop Art Face Paint Side View

Roy Lichtenstein Pop Art Face Paint Eye Close Up

Roy Lichtenstein Pop Art Face Paint Oh Jeff

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